Sunday, February 1, 2015

February Valentine Giveaway

Good morning dear readers.  Very excited about my giveaway for February 1st.  Today featuring this lovely Valentine's "Be Mine" sign from my friend Eileen's home boutique store, Rod Works. If you happen to be local or find yourself in Utah or California, check it out.  Tons of fun home decor and prices that are crazy reasonable compared to most boutiques!
          {How to enter}
1. Become a follower of terra's earth (by liking terra's earth on facebook OR via google friends connect.)
2. Leave a comment on this post telling me how you follow.
3. Also leave a contact email (with comment) if it's not linked to your profile (so I can let you know if you win:)

One winner will be selected from the comments using and announced on February 9th, 2015

{the giveaway closes on February 8th,  2015 at midnight}
{contest open to those residing in the intercontinental u.s.-no p.o. boxes please)


arjayv610 said...

I am following via facebook. my email is attached to my facebook.

Anonymous said...

Love this sign!

Unknown said...

I follow on GFC and facebook. My email is attached to both.

kansas_krystal said...

following on facebook my email is

The (Recovering) Shrinking Texas Woman said...

I'm following by GFC.


Kristen Palsson said...

I'm following your Facebook.

My e-mail:


Rachel said...

I followed on Facebook!

Anonymous said...

Following on Facebook. This sign is so, so adorable!!
-Heather Roberts

Sydney said...

I'm a friend on GFC. This sign is super cute! My email is on my Blogger profile.

Laura P said...

following on facebook and my email is this giveaway is so cute!

victoriaa said...

Hi Terra, I just started following you on facebook. My email is phamvictoria (at) This Valentine giveaway is such a great find!

Unknown said...

Following on Facebook.

TMichelle said...

I follow on Facebook (Taj Kingston)!

ShellChelle said...

I follow on Facebook (Michelle Lofton). emelle218(at)gmail(dot)com. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I follow via Google+
My e-mail is

Very cute sign!
I just got married so I am really enjoying new decorations these days.

Angela said...

Hi Terra! This is an exciting giveaway!

I’ve been following Terra’s Earth from my personal facebook page for awhile. I did notice that I wasn’t following Terra’s Earth from my Blog Mommas facebook page. So – I made that happen a few minutes ago AND I shared your FUN giveaway with the Blog Mommas crowd on facebook.

I was already following you on Google Friends Connect too.

Oh what FUN! Have a Great Day!!

Candice said...

I follow on GFC.

cdenigan at gmail dot com

Macy said...

I follow on GFC!

tamie said...

i am a fan on Facebook!!!:)

Natalie McConnell said...

I'm a fan on Facebook. My email is Thanks so much! I adore the sign. :)

Dawn said...

I'm a facebook follower / Dawn Monroe

Cindy said...

I follow via GFC as Cindy. Thank you so much for offering such a lovely giveaway.


Alina said...

Love this sign! Follow on GFC as Alina Conn.

Sean C said...

Following on GFC as Sean C.
email is attached for GFC

DesiredOne said...

Facebook followed under Rebecca Williams Parsons and GFC and Rebecca Parsons

wen budro said...

I am following via GFC as wen budro

Unknown said...

I follow via fb and gfc, both with my name Michelle Tucker
michdtucker at gmail dot com

Mamma Weech said...

I follow all your social media. Love your last blog post. What a great lesson for Gentry to learn...I mean the one about not judging, that is!!!
Dlweech@ g mail

Clair Shumack said...

I follow you on GFC

lshumack at gmail dot com