Tuesday, January 10, 2012

big, scary, hairy

Last night I'm standing in the kitchen,  making dinner,  and half listening to some t.v. program from the other room.  It had been a long week already (and it was only Monday).  So, I start listening a little more closely to the program.....apparently it's a show about finding Bigfoot and calling him out with a "squatch" (sasquatch) call. The monologue in my head...
     Seriously, a "squatch" call?? Why would someone video tape this and think that somebody else would watch this?    (Pause)  Wait a minute....

I turn around slowly to see my entire family lined up on the couch, closely following the finer points of "squatch" calling.  Very nice. So, just in case your interested....  Here's the Bigfoot hotline link...
At least I know my family has been properly trained in the art of "squatch" calling, should the need arise.

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