Sunday, January 1, 2012


Our 2011 came to a very sad close.  New Year's eve we attended the funeral of a close family friend who was an incredible man.  I'm always struck at funerals by the realization that we never really, fully appreciate another person until they're not with us anymore. Why is that?  I can't explain it.  I've often thought, after attending a funeral, "I need to love my family more, express more appreciation, stop worrying about the small things". It's so easy to take the people we care about for granted. My 2012 resolution...more appreciation for the most important people in my life.  More positive words, more hugs, more laughing together, more forgiveness, more selflessness.
   Another thing I thought about during the funeral is the huge amount of  gratitude I have to know that our families don't end here....that God loves us and that we can be together again after this life.  I can't imagine going through this life without that hope. 
   We spent the closing hours of 2012 together as a family (minus the senior  who was at a party).  My dad made his famous clam chowder and we ended the year with a few small fireworks.  
Farewell Darius, until we meet again.

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