Monday, October 10, 2011

on the road

We're on day three of our trek.  One little pic that I forgot to include yesterday...

It was my birthday on Sunday, and when we got to the end of the trail in the sacred grove, Gregg gave this to me. You have to know, growing up in the mid-west, I am a leaf-freak.  As much as I love AZ, there's nothing there in October to compare with the scene in Wisconsin.  So, Gregg said he'd been searching the trail for the very best leaf, and that he thought he'd found it (for my birthday). (ahhhh...)

Before we left Palmyra, we had one final stop...

 This cute gal in the middle (plaid) was our tour guide.  Her name is Sister Vaterlaus and she actually has a missionary blog (  Our kids loved her, especially since she gave them the shortened "speed pass" tour.

                         The book of Mormon has been translated into over 100 languages...

We left Palymyra and headed to Kirtland, Ohio.  The drive through NY was a plethora of colors (don't you just love that word?) but truly it was soooo beautiful.  We stopped in the little town of Naples for lunch, and came upon a real life "ghost story".   I'm going to save that for my Halloween post.
                                                           Views from my passenger window...

The children were getting a little restless....

                                                           and we finally made it.
                                                            Day four tomorrow...

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